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 She remembered who she was
and the game changed.
— Lalah Delia


Born in the heart of the midwest in Kansas City, Missouri, I spent my young life in the perfect little neighborhood of Brookside. Here I spent my days living out my family’s Catholic roots and strong midwest values attendeding Catholic school, eager to learn all about my faith and loving the days I had art class best. 

I graduated from the University of Kansas earning a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design. I would spend the next 15+ years designing and creating for others, but there was always a little voice inside unfulfilled with this path. In 2014 I started a business with a fellow designer/mother celebrating locality and the love of home. Together we designed and created handmade goods for the home, quickly becoming a recognized brand throughout Kansas City and began to expand across the country. It was this experience that lit a fire within and I knew my soul needed to be painting and not at a computer designing. With the passing of my dad in 2016, I found myself at a crossroads. I sold my part the business to my partner, put my computer away and picked up a paint brush. Now after 20+ years of doing what I felt was expected of me, I truly believe I have been blessed with the opportunity to pursue the creative life of my dreams + the life of a loving wife to my high school sweetheart and involved mom to our five kids. Yep, that’s right! Not a typo. I get to be the mom to F I V E  of the most incredible humans I could have ever dreamed possible (nor could I have dreamed possible all of the crazy that comes with running a family of 7). 

In my sun filled corner of our home in Brookside I get to paint everyday, or at least strive too. Some days family duties take precedence. It's about finding the perfect balance right? Kidding - I know there is no such thing as a completely balanced life but it’s about experiencing the ride of the pendulum.

My work is a reflection of my spiritual and psychological journey that has brought me to this point. Through the mediums of acrylics and inks, my paintings are created through the process of re-discovery of self, uncovering a world of color, transparency and light through layers of marks and movement. As a representation of the love, life, and peace I have found, I want to share that joy. My paintings are an open invitation to sit with me through my art.  Take a look. Enjoy.


