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 We just dropped our babe off at college. Everyone said it would be hard, and I guess I knew it would be but I didn’t think it would be THAT hard. For days I felt like I was missing a limb but each time we talked or FaceTimed I felt a little better. Seeing her smiling, hearing her giggling with her new friends I knew she was going to be just fine.

She decided late in the game that she wanted to join a sorority. It was quite the process but she has found her people. Her “home away from home”. It was always my intention just to make a little something special for her and her darling roommate, I doodled all during recruitment week but decided I should stop because I found myself focusing the most on the one house she had said she LOVED all along. I didn’t want to jinx it for her. The week is over now, she has landed in said house and I finished the drawing I set out to make. My sweet cheerleader has gone and shared my drawing with her new sisters. They are all just as excited as she is to call the PhiMu house home so I am putting them out into the world for anyone would like a little something special for themselves or their daughter. Here are a few items my girl has given the thumbs up on, take a look!

I will be adding the other houses from the University of Arkansas soon so check back often.

If there is one from another school you would like for me to create for your darling daughter, just reach out and I can get that going.

UArk PhiMu Pillow
from $50.00




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