If you know me you know I do N O T  L O V E  having my picture taken, but I do L O V E  my friend Tricia O'Connor-Baska. She is Snap Photography!

Over the last almost 15 years, she has managed to capture some UH-MAZING images of my family. Mostly of my 5 babes but occasionally Andrew and I will stick our mugs in there too. Trish has a way of making it easy. Lots of giggles and sometimes ugly laughs lead to some really great shots. So when I started building my site I asked her to come spend a morning with me in my sunny little room and TRY to capture some fun shots of my space, work and (deep breath) ME. YIKES! She did an awesome job!! I am sharing a few with you. One I really had to think long and hard about sharing. #uglylaugh

I still need to work on loosening up a bit. This is all part of my journey. I have lost my silly somewhere along the way. I am currently looking for it so if you see it please hold onto it and let me know. I will come gather it and we can laugh about it over a glass of wine/beer/coffee. Your choice. 

Have a not-so-serious day today. Thanks for stopping by.

XO ~ Leslie

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