As I have prepared, for YEARS now, to embark on this journey to answer my creative calling, I believe there is more to it than just sharing my work. I've wanted to get to a place where my creativity was more than just my feelings...on canvas or type on a page. I have always known that it needed to be something that was for others FIRST and I am finally here! I am overflowing with gratitude for this opportunity to do what I love while supporting an amazing cause. 

Our family has been extremely blessed to have been a part of the gift of the FIRE FOUNDATION. Their mission and support is why my 2nd daughter is the student she is today. I am eternally grateful to them for this. I have chosen the FIRE FOUNDATION to be my cause this year. I will be donating 15% of all sales of my work to FIRE for the remainder of 2018. I am truly humbled to be able to give a part of me back to them. Thank you FIRE and most especially thank you to the most amazing Special Education Teacher, Stacey Archer. Your love of your job and the love for your kids makes this world a better place. 

This is MY super power!  Other than being a mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, you name the roll I play it, I am an ARTIST!!! It is shocking how very difficult it is to call myself that but this little love note that came home with my soon to be kindergartener helped me to say it out loud. He sees it! He believes it! I do too now and I must use this super power to do good for others. I am beyond excited to see what it can do. 

XO - Leslie

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